
Today’s Media Links

Buy this DVD at!Ousmane Sembene Passes

It’s a surprise to me to find the BBC reporting the passing of Ousmane Sembène. His life was fruitful and full of days. My knowledge of the biography of Sembène is limited. What little my person has learned from him is based on his work and is reflected in “David Mandessi Diop: To the Bamboozlers” (in French: “David Mandessi Diop: Aux Mystificateurs”) and “rasx() Screenshots: More Shots out at Slavery” here in the kinté space.

Henry Clay Bruce

The title speaks for itself: The New Man. Twenty-Nine Years a Slave. Twenty-Nine Years a Free Man—another link from the Undercover Black Man.

The June 2007 Adobe Edge

Tom Ortega II, his “Flex primer for Flash users” is one of the few, formal, written articles about thinking about markup instead of timelines. “Using Flash CS3 Professional to import Photoshop and Illustrator files” by Rich Shupe is one of the first written articles detailing this new CS3 seamlessness among Adobe (and formerly Macromedia) applications. It’s strange how I’m complaining about too many shallow videos and preferring written material.

Songhay System Learns CSS

In “Making the Absolute, Relative” is a solution to a problem that haunted me for too long. It was a problem that delayed the development of the next-generation Songhay audio player. The most important piece of this old puzzle is found in “Block Alignment: Relative Positioning of Absolute Blocks.”

Comic Book Fonts

My inner teenager requires me to record my knowledge of Krakk! Pow!

Silverlight GlyphMap Utility

It’s like Character Map in Windows XP but in a web page.


It’s like a full motion video desktop but seems actually useful.

Photowalking with Scoble

Okay! I get it. ISO is important! Other things learned with Thomas Hawk include take a whole bunch of photos (well over ten just get one) and take him with you when you need to be “aggressive” about taking pictures on private property.

JPG Magazine: Brave New Photography

One of the few web-zines with a print product that makes online sense.

“Creating MyTube with Flex and PHP”

This article walks you through building the PHP portion of the site as well as building a movie viewer in Flash using the Flex framework.”

WPF Flickr Viewer Using XLINQ

“The basic idea behind this application is that it is a WPF application that also uses XLINQ to request certain parametized RSS Feeds from Flickr to obtain xml data…”

Gary Edwards—“OpenDocument and the Move to XML Formats”

Gary Edwards on Open Source Conversations was surely pissing off Brian Jones and the other relevant Microsoft employees. He is one of the few people on this entire planet that can articulate my problems with Microsoft Office and its design goals for XML. By the way, the plan is still going forward (until further notice) CleanXHTML for Microsoft Office Word 2003 will be upgraded to .NET 2.0.

The Scoble coverage of impressed me. There is even an API.


Ed, 2007-06-14 00:55:01

I still haven't got around to embracing Flex. I probably will VM template it for microsites instead of trying to set up a box for it.
