
“Sandra Bland’s Family Calls For Probe of Her Death to be Reopened” and other tweeted links…

Natylie Baldwin [natyliesb] Sandra Bland’s Family Calls For Probe of Her Death to be Reopened After Cell Phone Footage is Aired via @democracynow

OccuWorld 🏴 [OccuWorld] After Florida Re-enfranchises 1.4 Million, Republicans Push New “Poll Tax” For Formerly Incarcerated

Hamdia Ahmed [hamdia_ahmed] 21 years ago my mother gave birth to me while she was escaping from a civil war. I spend the first 7 years of my life in a refugee camp. My parents sacrificed so much for their kids.They moved to the USA with $0

Today, I became the first person to graduate college in my family.

Mark Anthony Neal [NewBlackMan] Antislavery Wasn’t Mainstream, Until It Was

Dr. Rebecca Martínez [BeckyGMartinez] Can someone summarize Game of Thrones for me? All seasons. In 280 characters? I don't watch it. 🤣

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @BeckyGMartinez Warfare is so natural that it happens in our fantasies. And because we assume warfare is natural then patriarchy is the natural order of things. This is a fantastic way to introduce a new generation of 30 years olds to the horrors of imperial Rome for a proud America, worldwide😇 [iafrikan] Opinion & Analysis: The global rise of digital music distribution is undeniable, but who reaps the profits when digital disruption occurs? by Christiaan De Beukelaer & Andrew J. Eisenberg

the kinte space [KinteSpace] Monsanto Verdict: Jury awards $2 billion to Livermore couple who says Roundup caused cancer via @abc7

Democracy Now! [democracynow] Arundhati Roy on the Power of Fiction: Literature is “The Simplest Way of Saying a Complicated Thing”

Robert Townsend [Robert_Townsend] We lost a giant today, rest in paradise,Mr. Chuck Barksdale the bass voice of THE DELLS,they were my technical advisers on THE FIVE HEARTBEATS.The real stuff in the film about the music industry came from them. I will celebrate his memory by listening to their hits today!

Cave Canem [cavecanempoets] Congratulations to 2002 Cave Canem Poetry Prize-winner Tracy K. Smith who is the recipient of the 2019 Harvard Arts Medal!

The New York Times [nytimes] This year, Dave Chappelle will be awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. "Dave is the embodiment of Mark Twain’s observation that 'against the assault of humor, nothing can stand,'" Deborah Rutter, the president of the Kennedy Center said.

Left of Black [LeftOfBlack] Missy Elliott Is First Hip-Hop Artist To Receive Honorary Doctorate From Prestigious Berklee College Of Music via @blavity

Laughing Squid [LaughingSquid] Francis Ford Coppola's Epic 'Apocalypse Now' 40th Anniversary 4K 'Final Cut' Slated for August Release

Rowena M. [RowenaMonde] @YaNanous I feel like I need to step up my game with the black and white movies! There was a time when I watched so many but I see I have a lot of catching up to do :)

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @RowenaMonde @YaNanous My recommendation (you’ve likely already seen this): «No Regrets for our Youth» by Akira Kurosawa. Then Ozu... All of Ozu...😇

Rowena M. [RowenaMonde] @KinteSpace @YaNanous I've watched some Ozu and Kurosawa, they are definitely good directors!

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @RowenaMonde @YaNanous Yup: those are the first I thought of when you mentioned b/w🎥

Ayayi Fubara Eneli [AyaEneli] When you walk into your 13-year old daughter’s room and this is the book on her desk. #AncestorsSpeaking #RisingScholar

ColitaFairfaxPhD1619-2019 [clnfairfax] I will not celebrate the obscene amount of money and materialism depicted at the Met I don't celebrate it at the Oscars, Grammy's, Billboard's, Emmy's. Stay true to you.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Lupita_Nyongo @sabrinamoella @NickBarose @micaelaerlanger @vernonfrancois @CaseyNails @TeamID Ah, an image clearly constructed with a firm grasp on wisdom-based womanhood throughout the millennia😇 Beah Richards and Nina Simone would be proud😂

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @NadraKareem Diana Ross’ daughter is just getting started.😬

the kinte space [KinteSpace] with gratitude, i celebrate my mother who was quite honorable and never tried subconsciously or consciously to seduce me into "killing" my father, abstractly of course😍😇

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [AOC] Ultimately, this is about women’s power.

When women are in control of their sexuality, it threatens a core element underpinning right-wing ideology: patriarchy.

It’s a brutal form of oppression to seize control of the 1 essential thing a person should command: their own body.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] sometimes "the man" is innocent but in order to keep the mother-to-child story "straight" father has to either become a storybook villain or a thing not to be mentioned... more than a few children are taught to "kill" their father in order to "save" the "honor" of the mother

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 I am glad you asked that as the statistically measurable American sister would answer that question for me with much insult to the mothers of Black men😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 Too many black American women have a passionate attitude towards black men that cannot be distinguished from hatred.😔 So out of "respect"/fear or hatred (or despising) no real questions are asked of me by she.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 Short answer: I would not be able to. My use of the word "assimilate" in this thread should not be underestimated😇 My children are not toddlers; they have developed with opinions from both parents but mostly mom.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 Disease, kids. Disease. Also, indigenous imperialism in the southern Americas made subjugation easier which is a key weakness of imperial order: central control. It took over 300 years to murder and infect indigenous peoples of the North as they had no central control😂😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 Two Euro inventions made colonizing my motherland possible: the repeating rifle and the quinine pill.

Many Black academics suffered greatly for me to pass this information on to you so do your research on this respectfully and relatively immediately.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 @Ppls_Champ Forgive me when i assume that you (or anyone born after 1980) have not had a formal education in Black history taught by a Black person —so, to find John Brown, you would have to search with “Harper’s Ferry”😇 according to my 30+ year recollection.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 @Ppls_Champ Black American scholars who taught me about Black history would point you to John Brown. He literally faught and died fighting against racism but he was never framed as an “ally” because my elders had a better grasp of nuance and sophistication than our beautiful youth of today😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 @Ppls_Champ You considering me an “ally” of the Nubian people is righteously correct but that does not mean i am a righteous replacement for a Nubian man —the white “ally” has continually failed to make this distinction which makes their respectable efforts infantile😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 @Ppls_Champ The typical white liberal struggle is one between the fantasy of intellectual objectivity and pretending that one’s infantile needs don’t need to get met.😇 The reality of fascism is passion—which overrides the need to be just and objective so adult diapers can get changed.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 @goddersbloom Yes, your critique is valid but rational critiques will not make this white liberal need go away. Again, we have to think about parents trying to never have to explain to their children why and how all those “other” children were stolen/murdered.😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 No, young one: most of us stay here out of ignorance or for the money which is kind of like out of ignorance again.😇 Then brothers like me get a few assimilated sisters pregnant and we cannot leave until babies are 18. My youngest is 15. #greenlightcard #passportrenewal

the kinte space [KinteSpace] search the web for today’s news headline phrase, “humans made the world hell”

this is like the phrase, ‘people with opposable thumbs started the Nazi party’

white liberals of all skin colors, prefer to avoid being ethnographically specific when it comes to f*king up the Earth

the kinte space [KinteSpace] gather ’round kids

the story so far:

  • the fall of the Soviet means America does not have to pretend to respect science or human rights
  • fossil fuels, which made WW2 possible, are changing the climate
  • China surprised the West with their version of “middle class”


the kinte space [KinteSpace] After WW2 there was a cold war of cultural supremacy between Britain and France. You might hear a pro-French lady on a black-and-white talk show deliberately pronounce all the English words stolen from France in an exquisite French accent and then politely return English.😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace]

  • entrepreneur
  • rendezvous
  • endeavor
  • vis a vis (Latin as French?)
  • l’hotel
  • embark
  • fatigue
  • rouge
  • rogue
  • façade
  • enchantment
  • sauté
  • julliene


FranQi [FranQiBeStil] @KinteSpace sophisticated shade.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @FrancescaBeStil Voila😇