
“Ralph Nader’s Grandniece Died in Ethiopian Plane Crash” and other tweeted links…

OccuWorld 🏴 [OccuWorld] Ralph Nader’s Grandniece Died in Ethiopian Plane Crash; Now He Is Urging Boycott of Boeing Jet

👄💃🏾👸🏾👩🏾‍⚕️💄Chill & Hip Hop™ [OurWeAlity] The Yale Dad Who Set Off the College-Admissions Scandal - WSJ

Mark Anthony Neal [NewBlackMan] What parents bought with bribery at elite colleges wasn’t education. It was brand recognition via @qz

Leon W Todd [leontodd] The mass shooting in New Zealand was designed to spread on social media via @Verge

Sonia Livingstone [Livingstone_S] "I didn't have control": A 14-year-old on why she quit social media

Nakirfai Tobor [Mx_Tobor] Senegal has launched a new digital platform for public health insurance

Cat Mouer [cat_mouer] "There will not be a separate admissions system for the wealthy. And there will not be a separate criminal justice system either." says Andrew Lelling, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts on the indictments on rich parents.

More from NPR:

BlackStudies at Duke [DukeAAAS] " At Yale, women received $68,800 less than men, and at Brown, the median disparity was $76,500. Over all, the median N.I.H. award for female researchers was roughly $126,600, compared with $167,700 for men."

Tambay Obenson [TambayObenson] "A descendant of an American slave on Wednesday sued Harvard University to gain possession of photos of her great-great-great grandfather that the school commissioned in 1850 on behalf of a professor trying to prove the inferiority of black people."

Kristen Clarke [KristenClarkeJD] In 1975, there were 303 Black students at #Stuyvesant, one of NYC's elite public schools. Look how the numbers have declined:

1980: 212 1990: 147 2000: 109 2018: 10 2019: a mere 7 Black students even offered slots

This backsliding is indefensible and borderline CRIMINAL.

Dwayne Rodgers [DiggsWayne] 106 years ago today Harriet Tubman passed away. A photo of her funeral. She is buried in Auburn, NY.

Blues and Abstract Truth [barnor_hesse] British University Blues: “On average, compared with white men: white women got 15% less Asian women, 22% less black women, 39% less”

Angry Savage Asia [asia_vs_life] A white woman used the "higher up on the totem pole" phrase with me today.

Yesterday a white woman wrote that a little girl was her "spirit animal".

A few weeks ago, on 2 occasions, a white & a black woman BOTH used powwow to describe a group.

Non natives: STOP IT.

L' Homme Noir [DrTJC] @terrycrews Mr. Crews, this is why research into sexual vulnerability of BM is necessary. BM have been victims of sexual violence & rape since slavery. BM are more likely to be forced to penetrate, experience statutory rape & sexual coercion than many women in the U.S.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @DrTJC @terrycrews Yes: Toni Morrison put a rape scene showing the victimization of black males in her Pulitzer prize-winning, woman-centered BELOVED in the last century to prevent this conversation today😇

Aidan Gomez [AidanNGomez] In particular, I'm disgusted by the @UofTCompSci Dept.'s practice of allowing in 3x the number of students in first year than it allows to continue on towards a BSc in the second year.

An appalling bait-and-switch that contributes toward the immense pressure students experience.

Jamie Bartlett [JamieJBartlett] I’m completely obsessed by click farms - where thousands of machines are lined up to generate fake engagement.

Greg Carr [AfricanaCarr] Today is the northern equinox. Day and night have equal length. In the morning, day becomes a little longer than night and we begin our long turn sunward. If we take a moment, we can feel our bodies and spirits rejoice.

Stan Deresinski [StanDeresinski] Frontiers | Herpes Virus Reactivation in Astronauts During Spaceflight and Its Application on Earth | Microbiology

Chuck D [MrChuckD] If males got preg would there be as many missiles bullets bombs and Wars? War is the Period Of MAN

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @MrChuckD Killer Ape Theory is fake 20th- century science. Check out that Nova documentary and let the white folks explain it to you. It follows that warlike behavior ain't nothin natural so study was no more, bruh😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] What students know that experts don't: School is all about signaling, not skill-building

ABC7 Eyewitness News [ABC7] Victor McElhaney, 21, was remembered as a gifted jazz musician who used to mentor young people and supported local artists. Police continue to search for his killers.

Making Music Work [makingmusicwork] "Were you in a band with a Myspace page between 2003 and 2015? If you were, then any music you uploaded to the social media network is now gone."

Matthew Frederick [putmyspellonyou] Meet Romania's Very Internet-Savvy Witch Community -

Eddie Griffin [EddieGriffinCom] I've been saying this for the last 31+ years. #TheGoodBook was one of the first ways to manipulate a slaves mentality. Choose death or conformity? Do your own research. #SlaveBible #EddieGriffin #SundaySermon Go to The Source.

Dr. Rebecca Martínez [BeckyGMartinez] Can someone summarize Game of Thrones for me? All seasons. In 280 characters? I don't watch it. 🤣

Nijla1 [Nijla1] Visited inglewood today & was reminded how much I miss black geographies. black elders who ask how you’re doing. Black people sitting on a porch, unbothered, black haircuts. Black sons & fathers. Free.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Nijla1 @sabrinamoella Sounds like the last scenes in «Devil in a Blue Dress» but umm... I am from Inglewood and umm... the vibe you are getting is microscopic compared to what «should» be here. #gentrification

Also: check out «The Bastards of the Party» for historical context😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] N'Dea Davenport, Singer + Songwriter :: Artist Profile

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Biblio_PHI_L You do NOT want to hear this right but my life is not that long: a few books by white authors of the dome

  • Black Athena
  • Africa Counts *African Fractals
  • The Mismeasure of Man

And anything by Noam Chomsky. My point is: we are better than reactionary discrimination😇

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [AOC] I find it revealing when people mock where I came from, & say they’re going to “send me back to waitressing,” as if that is bad or shameful.

It’s as though they think being a member of Congress makes you intrinsically “better” than a waitress.

But our job is to serve, not rule.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [AOC] (“Thoughts and prayers” is reference to the NRA’s phrase used to deflect conversation away from policy change during tragedies. Not directed to PM Ardern, who I greatly admire.)

terry crews [terrycrews] I’d like to also apologize to the black men that were hurt by my comments regarding a lack of support regarding my sexual assault.

Truth is, if it had not happened to me, I would have been suspicious and doubtful too.

Shrima [shr_ma] so so accurate. Men need more friends (who talk to each other about life, not just women. Or about women in an honest true way.)

Craig's VCR [Craigs_VCR] When you come across people with the same skin as you and...

Your level of resepct is lowered, You stop caring about being polite, You automatically think the worst, You're more prone to violence,

You're a part of the problem.

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 There are people of European origin that do no harm and have the label “white” imposed upon them but don't get it twisted: whiteness all about enmity 😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 There is also the possibility that sending out the troops for every single alarm no matter how insignificant is more of a “luxury”—an inefficient, ineffective, extravagant waste of resources—ironically unsustainable, just like the white folks😇

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @Ajairah1 It's a great mental health exercise to go back and listen to, say, what Angela Davis saw in South Africa during apartheid:

the kinte space [KinteSpace] @vrn9n @Ajairah1 Not my intent; read again and parse with commentary, omitting the word "conflate"😰