
Dr. Gerald Horne Keynote: North American Labor History Conference, 10/18/2012

From the NALHC:

Throughout history, workers have engaged in insurgency and resistance from factories to fields, from plantations to plants, from mines to mills, and in cities and in the countryside. Power and authority have been contested on a variety of terrains, both inside and outside of traditional labor structures. More recently, conflicts have erupted in Latin America, the Arab world, southern Europe, China, and across North America. This interdisciplinary conference will explore a broad range of themes under the topic of “insurgency and resistance” through keynote addresses, book talks, panels, roundtables, and other events.

Dr. Horne will be sharing keynote duties with Dr. Heather Ann Thompson. His talk is entitled, “Rethinking a ‘Revolution’: Slavery, the Origins of the US and Implications for the International Working Class.” This is what Dr. Horne sends as a prelude to his talk: “…tell friends and comrades, it will be explosive…”

You can listen Dr. Gerald Horne speak here in the kinté space. Point your Adobe Flash plugins to his 2008 Canadian radio interviews.

Questions about Conference

Contact: Professor Fran Shor Department of History 3094 Faculty Administration Building 656 W. Kirby Detroit, MI 48202 Phone: 313-577-9325 FAX: 313-577-6987

Conference Location

Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 577-2424 or (877) WSU-INFO

For directions and lodging, see the NALHC web site.
