
“BDD Primer—Behavior-Driven Development with SpecFlow and WatiN” and other links…

Brandon Satrom (via Scott Guthrie tweet): “Of course, a number of tools have been created to help you implement BDD in your development process. These include Cucumber in Ruby and SpecFlow and WatiN for the Microsoft .NET Framework. SpecFlow helps you write and execute specifications within Visual Studio, while WatiN enables you to drive the browser for automated end-to-end system testing.”

Post Sharp (Ayende Rahien)

PostSharp is an AOP framework that works using byte code weaving. That is, it re-writes your IL to add behaviors to it. From my point of view, it is like having the cake (interception, byte code weaving) and eating it (I haven't even looked at the PostSharp source code, just used the binary release).”

“Azure Storage Explorer”

David Pallmann: “I’ve been wanting an easier way to view what's in my Azure cloud storage so I decided to write a tool for the purpose. Azure Storage Explorer now exists and is available here on CodePlex.” I prefer this tool over CloudXplorer as it shows Table Storage.

“Cloud Innovators: Netflix Strategy Reflects Google Philosophy” (via John Lam tweet): “Adrian and other Cloud Innovators have proven that designing for cloud scale, means designing for failure and the same ‘always-on’ software architecture of an or Google, not something as simplistic as virtualizing your existing legacy enterprise applications and moving them over to someone else’s cloud. It’s going to take a while for the market to wake up to this principle and we’ll see lots of failures or as I like to say “blood on the floor” over the next few years.” Moment: Heroku

Heroku is an online Rack (and by extension, Ruby on Rails) cloud PaaS (Platform as a Service) run by the San Francisco, California based company with the same name. As one of the very first cloud platform as a service providers, Heroku has been in development since June 2007 and the company reports over 119,000 applications running on its service.”
