
Today’s Google Starred Items: “The 10 HTML Tags Beginners Aren’t Using” and other articles…

cticne_xmascard_group7Dan Stever: “I like sites that have easy to find information with logically separated elements. I think it looks sleek. <fieldset> groups together form elements by drawing a box around them. It is also possible to add a caption to the form by using <legend>.”

“Measuring Browser Performance with the Windows Performance Tools”

MSDN: “Using the Windows Performance Tools you can measure not only the overall elapsed time of operations, but also look at the time spent in individual browser and operating system components. In this post we’ll show you how to use the Windows Performance Tools to record and analyze the performance of different browsers.”

“How to Make Money Off of Your Graphic Design”

Jennifer Moline: “Somewhere I believe there is an Island of Misfit Designs. It contains Moleskine notebooks filled with sketches that never found a home – graphics that didn’t match a company’s vision. But all that effort doesn’t have to be for naught – below are a handful of outlets for your creativity. Not only can you make some money off your rejected work, but you also might earn some new business!”

“Enhanced Scripting in IE9: ECMAScript 5 Support and More”

MSDN: “A primary goal for IE9 is that the same markup can be used across browsers, which of course includes JavaScript code. So how do we know how we are progressing towards that goal? In another IEBlog post we discussed Microsoft’s position regarding standardizing JavaScript test suites. We believe the organizations responsible for web standards should also publish a definitive test suite that ensures the same script and markup works in all browsers.”

“Showcase of Well-Designed Banking and Investment Websites”

Cameron Chapman: “But there are some well-designed banking, investment, and financial management sites out there with beautiful designs and good usability. These sites should serve as a model for other financial industry sites. If you have a favorite banking or investment website that has a great design and fantastic usability, please share it in the comments!”

“Illustrators I Like”

Chris Coyier: “I also find that Illustrators tend to take good care of their websites. Perhaps it is because the web is just another canvas, and just as they wouldn’t allow ugly, out-of-place marks on their illustrations they don’t allow ugly out-of-place elements on their websites.”

“Photoshop Web Design Layout Tutorials from 2010”

Noupe: “Web layouts are crucial for every web design. Whether it is a simple design or an advanced one, Photoshop can often come handy in creating such layouts. We have collected some really creative and helpful recent tutorials that display the process behind creating web layouts in Photoshop.”
