
Today’s .NET Links

“Transforming Open XML Word-Processing Documents to XHtml”

Eric White: “There already is code plus an XSLT style sheet that can convert Open XML word-processing docs to HTML. This is the CodePlex/OpenXmlViewer project. I have different goals from that project—that project aims for high fidelity (the resulting HTML looks as close as possible to the original word-processing document), and is (I think) primarily used as a browser plug-in. My goals—less effort spent on full fidelity, and more on making this easy and convenient for developers to modify and enhance for specific development efforts.”

“Computing Deep Hash Codes using LINQ to XML”

Eric White: “In some scenarios, it is useful to compute a ‘deep’ hash code using LINQ to XML. If you are writing a server-side application that caches queries expressed in XML, then you may want to store these queries in a hash table. XNode (and XElement) inherit the GetHashCode method from object, which returns a hash code based on object identity, which doesn’t help in these scenarios. However, there is a method, XNodeEqualityComparer.GetHashCode, which computes a deep hash code. It’s part of the LINQ to XML API, but it’s not very discoverable via Intellisense, so some folks don’t know about it.”

“WPF Single Instance Application”

Arik Poznanski: “I can summarize it as: Mutex and Remoting, done right.” I’m using Mutex in my code at the moment—don’t know how Remoting fits in here.

“HOW TO: Convert PowerPoint to Silverlight (Deep Zoom) like presentation” “…pptPlex is a plug-in that explores an alternate method for presenting a PowerPoint slide deck. Using pptPlex, you can present your slides as a tour through a zoomable canvas instead of a series of linear slides.”
