
Moving to Windows Server 2008 Land

rasx() in Windows Server 2008 My last VMware-related post was “Ubuntu 7.10 and VMware” and I thought for sure there are Windows Server 2003 VM entries in my journal. I suppose I was too embarrassed to admit that I was still using 2003 over one year after Windows Server 2008 was released. (Actually, the 2008 entry, “In Word 2007!,” spills the beans.)

So, now I am using Windows Server 2008 Standard x86 as a VM. I tried to install the 64-bit version twice—because I assumed that my Windows 7 64-bit OS host was all VMware needs. It turns out that VMware needs to work with a special set of 64-bit chips and my Pentium Dual Core T3400 is not enough apparently.

Since my readers usually stumble upon these things through Google, I remind you that I use my Windows Server VM as a development box *and *an Office desktop (it’s a VSTO thing). So this journal entry is coming to you from my new VM straight out of a 174-page Word 2007 file via my Word Add-in (still under development), CleanXHTML (the Word 2003 version of CleanXHTML is still out there…).
