
“Forget about Job Fairs and Job Recruiters” and other links…

DSC_5264Dream and Hustle .com: “Another thing and this is very and extremely important—yall need to stop believing that talk about ‘it will come back’ or ‘this is just a cycle and we will see a recovery’ because that’s not what we are going through right now. This is not some hiccup in the economy, this is a transformational economic shift that redefining wealth and income generation to something we haven’t seen before in history. I’m going to be frank as possible: some of you paycheck-to-paycheck cats are going to end up poor and marginalized if you do not find multiple stream of revenue soon.”

“Digital Domain loses termination suit” “In a verdict handed down Thursday evening in Malibu, Christian Bradley ‘Brad’ Call has won his wrongful termination suit against visual effects shop Digital Domain and has been awarded just under $2 million in damages. …On the wrongful termination claim, Call alleged that he was fired by executives of DD’s parent company, Wyndcrest Holdings, after he tried to prevent DD from presenting to a potential investor financial projections he thought were fraudulent. He prevailed on that claim.”

“COBRA Insurance Too Expensive for Unemployed”

The Commonwealth Fund: “Most unemployed families cannot afford to retain their former employer's health insurance through the COBRA program because the premiums eat up more than three-quarters of the typical unemployment insurance benefit, according to a Families USA study released on Friday. …The other approach under discussion would allow unemployed workers to be temporarily eligible for Medicaid, Pollack said. Under this scenario, the federal government would pay for 100 percent of the costs rather than the sharing costs with the states on a percentage basis.”
