
“Most Twitter users never tweet, don’t follow anyone” and other links…

PIC-0207Ars Technica: “A new report about how the majority of the population uses Twitter reveals that most people, well… don’t really use it. The microblogging service has grown exponentially over the last year, but a little more than half of its users have never sent a single tweet, according to the latest report from HubSpot (PDF). The report reminds us that, like many Web services, much of the content is produced by a small number of users while everyone else likes to look in and watch.”

“Most Blogs Now Abandoned” “Many people who think blogging is a fast path to financial independence also find themselves discouraged. ‘I did some Craigslist postings to advertise it, and I very quickly got an audience of about 50,000 viewers a month,’ says Matt Goodman, an advertising executive in Atlanta who had no trouble attracting an audience to his site, Things My Dog Ate, leading to some small advertising deals. ‘I think I made about $20 from readers clicking on the ads.’”

Joe Wilcox: “Thank You and Goodbye”

Microsoft Watch: “I’ve been reporting about Microsoft since 1997 and specifically blogging about the company since May 2003. I took over Microsoft Watch in November 2006. It has been a joy to write this blog, and I want to thank regular readers for their commitment. But my warmest regards go to the blog’s regular commenters, who have extended the discussion (OK, fierce arguing) beyond the posts. Thank you isn’t enough.” I thought this was Mary Jo Foley until I read the byline…

“Frequently Asked Questions about the Microsoft Money end of sales”

Microsoft: “An expired version of Money Plus could be used indefinitely on the computer and configuration currently in place, with the exception of the services and features as noted below. Compatibility with future operating systems and hardware configurations cannot be guaranteed.”
