
“The Search for Count Dante” and other links…

The Search for Count Dante by Floyd Webb

IndieGoGo: “Synopsis:  In the 1960s and 70s, his scowl was unmistakable and his kung fu pose conveyed a menace that went beyond martial arts mastery. He called himself Count Dante and he claimed to be “The Deadliest Man Alive” in garish comic book ads and gruesome instructional manuals. While his name and title may have been more show biz than lineage, his drive to live up to his fearsome reputation left one man dead and a promising career in ruins.” The last time we interviewed Floyd Webb was too long ago in “Floyd Webb: The World Wide Floyd Webb 2004”—now with his new Dante project I’m eager to get another interview going!

“The dark side of Dubai”

Johann Hari: “Once the manic burst of building has stopped and the whirlwind has slowed, the secrets of Dubai are slowly seeping out. This is a city built from nothing in just a few wild decades on credit and ecocide, suppression and slavery. Dubai is a living metal metaphor for the neo-liberal globalised world that may be crashing—at last—into history.”

“Renegade Commentaries” “Welcome to RCUK, your number one site for alternative DVD commentary tracks. What this site is about is trying to share our views, opinion and mad ranting on some of our favourite (and least favourite) movies with the added bonus of our unique sense of humour.”

“Want to See Your Credit Report for Free? vs.” “There’s never any need to pay to access your credit report. The U.S. government has mandated that consumers be allowed to view their credit reports from each of the three major reporting agencies once every year. If you’d like, you can obtain reports from all three credit reporting agencies at once. Or, you can stagger your requests, possibly requesting one report every four months from a different agency.”


ed, 2009-05-17 15:24:49

I heard very interesting stories from my African brothas in IT who went to Dubai or have associates who went there. Like they would pay for everything to lure them in but once they got them up in there, they are basically doing their bidding and got them by the cajones.

There is good Dubai only if you were connected to the money, other than that, it everybody was no better than someone who cleans the hotels on the Las Vegas strip.

The web business is kind of this way also where you have a lot of people talking up stuff but really ain't into it and their personal status in the industry equates to someone who change stained bed sheets at the Luxor.
