
“Don’t Be a Proverbial Crab-in-a-Barrel in 2009 and Beyond!” and other links…

Buy this book at! “Black people can make each other miserable at work by being the proverbial crabs in a barrel. I can’t believe some of things I’ve seen Black workers do to each other over the years. …The sad truth is many of us still have a plantation mentality. Instead of focusing on our condition, we focus on what’s petty and we may treat each other in an intentionally harmful manner. We set up false competitions with each other. We envy each other because of success or reward.”

“Building brain networks, watching Alzheimer’s tear them down”

Ars Technica: “One of the surprising results has been how busy the brain is when it appears to be otherwise at rest. Networks within the brain show coordinated, rhythmic activities when the brain is inactive—these patterns of activity are even detected when the subject is anesthetized. Two studies that will be released this week by the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science take a more careful look at how these networks form early in life, while a second shows that their activity may change decades in advance of the onset of Alzheimer's disease symptoms.”

“Eating disorders aren’t just a white women’s problem”

Lola Adesioye: “But this is changing – and the picture is becoming more complex as minority and mainstream cultural ideas collide. It has been suggested that the more a black woman adopts western standards of beauty – which tend to equate being thin with being beautiful – the more likely she is to suffer from an eating disorder. …I can attest to this. At the age of 15, I was curvy. At a predominantly white all-girls school, I had a hard time feeling comfortable in my body when I was surrounded by thin white friends and teen magazines which held up women who looked totally different from me as paragons of beauty.”
