
“MySQL creator leaves Sun” and other links…

Ryan Paul: “Michael Widenius, the original creator of the MySQL database system, announced in a blog entry on Thursday that he has left Sun Microsystems and is launching his own company. He is unsatisfied with the direction of MySQL development and believes that he will be able to make more meaningful contribution to the software from outside of the company.”

Hyperic’s CloudStatus BETA

Hyperic CloudStatus: “Hyperic’s CloudStatus BETA is the first service to provide an independent view into the health and performance of the most popular cloud services, including Amazon Web Services and Google App Engine. CloudStatus gives users real-time reports and weekly trends on infrastructure metrics-including service availability, response time, latency, and throughput-that affect the availability and performance of cloud-hosted applications.”


Assembla: “If you make software, or manage any kind of distributed team, Assembla will make your teams faster and more unified. We studied distributed, agile teams. We built Assembla to meet their needs, and refined the tools in our own intense projects.”
