
The Outlet Mall of Used Trophy Wives

Buy this book at! Ed Dunn goes there and gets there in “Atlanta becoming an Outlet Mall of Used Trophy Wives, Broke-Ass Strippers and Homeless Hood Rats.” My flippant assumption is that many Negroes would tune out Ed Dunn, his Blog, just because of his English syntax problems. These Negroes in sad, sad irony would assume that his grammar errors indicate a genetic defect while the same kind of errors in a white guy was just a mistake. I have read many emails from ex-police officers turned into IT “engineers” in cowboy boots who can’t write their way out of a giant paper bag full of crayons and pencils.

More irony would be that “Atlanta becoming an Outlet Mall of Used Trophy Wives, Broke-Ass Strippers and Homeless Hood Rats” targets those same frontin’ Negroes who supposedly mastered the grammar of an Indo-European language. What Ed Dunn calls the “outlet mall” I have called a ‘post-apocalyptic wasteland.’ Ed’s title more than makes up for ‘violations’ of so-called “proper” English. There are colored folks right now sitting in a sidewalk café on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood who assume the world cannot possibly get better than eating just a few feet away from car exhaust and the haze kicked up off hot asphalt. These poseur people in their proper prosperity are literally unable to feel or conceive just how dirty the shit is. Again, I am not trying to “hurt feelings” I am just showing you how subtle barbarianism is…

My younger brother, David Wilhite, grew up in the Atlanta scene. You can hear his streaming audio on the subject (that gets quite universal) in “David Wilhite: Distant Star” here in the kinté space.
