
Japanese Business Woman Pays US $22,000 to Find a Man

Buy this DVD at! In the same manner that an ignorant racist assumes that we Black folks all know each other, I assumed that all women ‘knew’ each other—forming networks based on mutual support, solidarity. Unlike the typical racist, I was extremely disappointed to find out that this is largely not true. For me the reason is simple and extremely practical: when one woman turns me down because she is “sure” she can find a better man than me, she may be thoughtful enough to recommend me to one of her second-string or third-string friends. Don’t ask any of the mothers of my three children, but it should be very unlikely that I am absolutely useless to do-right Black women (with a healthy, bubbling, brown body mass index).

The two-part Al Jazeera English report “An Ideal Husband” was even more of a disappointment. You can view parts one and two of this presentation on The report features a very successful Japanese business woman paying 22-grand to find a dude. She is basically bypassing the entire male population of her country. She essentially has the same (or similar) problem wealthy Black women have in the United States. The Japanese woman is actually paying for what (to me) should be for free (a human right): a network of women providing data about eligible bachelors. In the traditional (pre-Islamic) African context, this situation is a tragedy of poverty—no matter how much money one has in a world full of mechanical modern conveniences. You see kids, in the real old days back in the Motherland when a sister could not find a do-right man for a mate the entire human race was threatened. This means that women were motivated—not out of “moral supremacy” to do what was correct—but out of primal survival to develop technical/emotional systems to make sure the next generation would be born. Again, the racism everywhere within us assumes that any dumb insect can have offspring, but check the negative birth rates Rome boy… Most of traditional African technology was preoccupied with “boring” stuff like real social networking, child care and human development. Not that much time to develop nuclear weapons—I guess we made a “mistake” because we did not invent machine guns?

Meanwhile back in the real, bling-bling world, these are my random bullets about this 22-grand thang:

  • The title “An Ideal Husband” also happens to be a title of an Oscar Wilde play. Here is a quote from the play: “Women have a wonderful instinct about things. They can discover everything except the obvious.”
  • I wonder would Sophia Coppola be interested in a companion piece to her movie, Lost in Translation, addressing ‘the situation’ of Japanese upper-class women.
  • It may be of the limited scope of the report, but it appears that these Japanese women are looking for Caucasian males. I suppose the Japanese American (or Japanese British) population is not of interest.
  • What does this woman do (and did) for companionship while she is waiting for the next expensive date? Does she have a few underclass Japanese boyfriends on the down low while she searches for suitable mate?Yes, my pseudo feminist friends, a male might do the same down low things suggested above but “we” don’t criticize—right? Lady, you have got the wrong guy again: I criticize the male and the female in this situation. Fighting for “equality” with this kind of “manhood”—the right to do shit like this is nothing worth fighting for—it is a lack of feminist imagination of what women can really do when they really work together.

Female camels, hoarding their stagnant water, laugh at us men “whining” about dying from thirst. But I am literally staking my life on what women are really capable of… something far beyond copying what recessive-gene, imperial patriarchs are capable of…
