
A Few Information Technology Links

“Using XML in MySQL 5.1 and 6.0”

“In this article, we discuss the XML functionality available in MySQL, with an emphasis on new features coming online in MySQL 5.1 and MySQL 6.0.” This looks huge. The native XML features in SQL Server 2005 are extremely useful so I can’t see MySQL dropping the ball for this play.

“XML Moves to mySQL”

Kurt Cagle: “I think the ramifications for this are actually quite huge.”

New for PowerShell V2: out-gridview

“One of the new feature areas for PowerShell V2 CTP is support for rich output. The out-gridview cmdlet allows you to send the output of any PowerShell command into a fully interactive grid window. This feature is available from standard PowerShell and Graphical PowerShell.”

“IBM’s U.S. operations continue to shrivel.”

Robert X. Cringely: “I don’t take any satisfaction in forcing companies to come clean or to go underground, but IBM did the latter. They simply stopped issuing press releases concerning U.S. layoffs or force reductions. It’s not that the company didn’t continue to lose U.S. workers, just that they stopped talking about it.”

“What’s the Difference Between Amazon FPS and Amazon DevPay?”

Mike: “Using Amazon Flexible Payments Service (Amazon FPS), developers can accept payments on websites. It has several innovative features, including support for micropayments… Amazon DevPay supports applications built on Amazon S3 or Amazon EC2 by allowing you to ‘resell’ applications built on top of one of these services.”

“EC2 Firefox Extension is now Open Source”

Jeff: “The extension makes it really easy to launch and manage Amazon EC2 instances. After creating your keypairs and security groups, you can simply right-click on any of the listed AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) and choose to launch one or more instances.”
