
Server-Side Links

Buy this book at!PHP-based CAPTCHA

It is to my embarrassment that I have not yet implemented a PHP-based CAPTCHA page for forms validation. The first time this matter was investigated I could not find a thing showing me what to do. But now there is no excuse with stuff like the PHP Library for reCAPTCHA coming out of Carnegie Mellon University for free.

XQuery, the Server Language

Kurt Cagle: “As an XML developer, one of the problems that I come across almost invariably within these languages is the fact that they are shaped by people who view XML as something of an afterthought, a small subset of the overall language that's intended to satisfy those strange people who think in angle brackets.”


Start here: “OpenID is a decentralized single sign-on system.”


The Microsoft answer for the defunct NDoc is the Sandcastle Technology Preview.

Lance Robinson

Here’s Lance Robinson on “Adding support for credit card/paypal to your website/application.”

Scott Guthrie

Scott writes, “Tip/Trick: Creating Packaged ASP.NET Setup Programs with VS 2005.”

More IBM Corn Beef Hash for Big-Iron Soup Kitchens

Rational Rose: “IBM Rational Rose family is our classic UML modeling and model-driven development solution. The most popular UML tool on the market. It supports UML v1.4, which is not the most current but many customers find that to be sufficient for their needs.”

IBM on the Yahoo Pipe

Made-to-order content with Yahoo Pipes” by Jeff K. Wilson: “This tutorial provides a basic understanding of Yahoo Pipes, a service that filters, transforms, and aggregates content feeds.”
