
The Big Trashcan Issue Addressed

Buy this product at!The trashcan ‘issue’ was based on the assumption that it should be durable and big. Durable means a lid mechanism that does not break in six months. Big meant something bigger than, say, 6 imperial gallons. It’s never my style to pay more than US $40 for a mechanical kitchen trashcan. The impact of proactive and conscious recycling makes it possible to comfortably use a very small trashcan.

What normal North American people do with trash is throw relatively clean supermarket food containers (packaging) in the trash and then dump “dirty” food matter on top of it. The way this American ritual works is that the food containers get dirty because they are in the trash. My weird, economical countermeasure is to not put these items in the trash, rinse out these (soy) milk cartons and soup cans and put them in a separate recycling container. When you really want to freak your “normal” American friends out, rinse out these items and make sure they are dry before you put them in the recycling container. This prevents moisture from collecting in the recycling containers. Bugs love moisture. You are warned my fellow Americans, such attention to detail can be grounds for divorce.

 the trashcan of doomYou can use a trashcan in the kitchen as small as 6 liters because:

  • My entire life is devoted to controlling you in my twisted scheme of neat-freakery. You are the normal one! I’m the sick one. Run away! Run away!
  • You clean while you cook. This means you dispose of food matter during preparation instead of segregating the activities of cooking and cleaning (freaky industrial factory habits). When you dispose of food matter you often remove it from the kitchen because you are concerned about odors from certain material (like chopped pieces of onion) over the long term. This system works well when more than one person is working in the kitchen.
  • You recycle almost all packaging that comes from the grocery store. You often remove items (like rice) from their packaging and store them in your own containers.My apologies to all you keeping-it-real slobs out there… This article is certainly very offensive to you and clearly shows that I do not smoke weed. Not smoking weed is even more offensive to you mufukkas. I certainly deserve to be banished forever from the fun, skunk-stank world you dudes and dudettes be perpetrating…
