
Media News Mentioned Here

This web site, No one belongs here more than you dot com, is an innovation of human power over technology. It is great to see a young person—especially a young female—not trying to copy what someone else has done.

Qumana blog editor

The Qumana blog editor is an interesting application. However, it is too specialized for me. It is clearly defined for potential investors but here in the rasx() context a general-purpose word processor with ‘network publishing’ support is attractive to me.

No Firefox 2.0 in Breezy Badger Synaptic Package Manager

At there is an article that verifies that Firefox 2.0 does not exist by design for Ubuntu 5.10: “Warning: If you use this guide, do not remove the Ubuntu version of Firefox. Doing so will break the following packages: Yelp (help viewer), Epiphany, Gnome-app-install (Add Applications), Liferea, Blam and any application requiring the Gecko rendering engine.”

LisaNova is the next Jennifer Saunders

My guess is that we need to send congratulations to Lisa Donovan (LisaNova) for getting a spot on MADtv. Her video gallery is worth at least five minutes. It may be a bit generous of me to call LisaNova the next Jennifer Saunders—it may be like calling Saul Williams the next Amiri Baraka—or even the next LeRoi Jones. It’s sad that the Hollywood culture of insecurity has raised a whole generation of young people to misinterpret my comments such that I can’t say anything to make them learn to respect room for improvement. Too many still need to be swaddled in the womb.™

Young William Ismael is back from a long stint in Germany with a new portfolio. and

This is an awesome idea and an awesome site! This one came to me from the Ira Glass of Microsoft, Jon Udell—or did he bring me another awesome site,

YUI Samples at Updated

Our December 2006 debut of YUI Highlights needed a major overhaul. Now, we have separated our YUI samples into individual pages instead of cramming over a 1000 lines in one file!

This one definitely comes from the Java Posse:—classic Nintendo 8-bit games online!
