
NetCmdlets by

My previous, scathing, blood-drawing, bruise-inflaming, vein-popping critique of the lack of SSH awareness in the Port25 show has lead my hate-filled, black heart to NetCmdlets by

My PowerShell references in that Blog post were just shots in the dark—it never occurred to me that a company is actually releasing PowerShell “cmdlets” with SSH support. And, of course, I resent the fact that a company other than Microsoft has to release a commercial tool to make up for the religious science of innovation at the Redmond campus.

Based on past situations like this, there are four known outcomes here in the rasx() context:

  • will release their excellent product for US$495 and Microsoft will pretend the company does not exist for a few years.

  • Microsoft will buy and kill the product.

  • Microsoft will buy and make a product that used to cost 500 bucks free.

  • Microsoft will license a sick, diseased version of the product that drives you to pay 500 bucks for the real thing.So while were making lists here, let’s see some more weird stuff related to PowerShell and SSH:

  • The Google search for SSH under the MSDN PowerShell Blog returns only four hits.

  • A “completely unrelated” comment from Dejan Jelovic for “Windows PowerShell in Action has been released…” asks directly about SSH and PowerShell. As of this writing, this comment has been ignored.

  • A second, more effective Google search produced over 800 results: from “How to: Using PowerShell through SSH”: “I am really looking forward to the new version of PowerShell with buildin Remoting function. According to Jeffrey Snover : Our plans for remoting are to leverage WS-MGMT the remoting protocol recently standardized through the DMTF.”PowerShell without any remote access features is like releasing a modern computer without any network communications features. To do this, without apology is more Microsoft myopia mistaken for marketing wisdom. To not talk around this glaring omission, fails to portray Microsoft as being “one step ahead” of anything.


Lance Robinson, 2007-04-25 19:22:00

This made me lol. :) FWIW, I work for /n software, and I can assure you that NetCmdlets will be available for much less than $500.

We're also creating a PowerShell Remoting product separate from our NetCmdlets toolkit that will allow remoting over a secure shell connection. If you send me an email I can see about adding you to a private beta in the near future.

rasx(), 2007-04-25 19:56:09

The plot thickens with PowerShell Remoting (beta).
