
FxCop 1.35 Twilight Netherworld

Well right about now I can only hope the hope of the captive that version 1.35 is the latest version. I’m somewhat late to the FxCop party… These are greatest FxCop sins:

  • The SpecifyIFormatProvider error means that every time String.Format() appears in my code an international flair must be flaunted.
  • The DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters error is more proof that my passport is not in order.
  • The design issue DoNotPassTypesByReference refers to some ‘weird’ stuff like this: ref XmlTextWriter xmlDataWriter in an argument list. I really had a good reason for doing this late one night years ago—really!
  • The design issue AvoidNamespacesWithFewTypes critiques my terseness coupled with setting a foundation for future growth.
  • This one, AvoidUninstantiatedInternalClasses, happens to me when I forget to add the static keyword to a class definition that contains all static methods. So, finally, here is one practical reason why defining a static class is needed.The strangest of FxCop arrests are related to generics. I’m sure whether DoNotExposeGenericLists and GenericMethodsShouldProvideTypeParameter are correctable. And this last one is really out there: OverrideEqualsAndOperatorEqualsOnValueTypes.
