
“Gen Y’s ego trip takes a nasty turn”

Here in the rasx() context the poetic, savage, building blocks are simple:

One: English is an egotistical, materialistic language. When you speak it without trying to break it, it will make you more egotistical and materialistic.

Two: The official (imperial) language of the United States is English.

Three: Americans (North and South) will become more egotistical and more materialistic over time (because unbroken Spanish is not much better than “proper” English).

I, yes, I am more than aware that my savage poetry is ignored and laughed off my fellow Americans. So, when this article, “Gen Y’s ego trip takes a nasty turn,” shows up on, I am fully prepared for my fellow Americans to ignore or disrespect the science. According to this article, the researchers are worried:

“That makes me very, very worried,” said Jean Twenge, a San Diego State associate professor and lead author of the report. “I’m concerned we are heading to a society where people are going to treat each other badly, either on the street or in relationships.”

She and four other researchers from the University of Michigan, University of Georgia and University of South Alabama looked at the results of psychological surveys taken by more than 16,000 college students across the country over more than 25 years.

 Public PropertyThe sad bit is that these may the same Americans who wonder why there are so many broken relationships under the reigning power of unbroken English. And, to appeal to the pornographic narcissism of our youth, the possibility must be considered that significantly narcissistic people are less ‘talented’ in bed because they are less interested in finding pleasure for another person. Oh, just in case there the generation gap is wider than my current measurements, it should be mentioned that a “bed” is the traditional place for sexual activity.

By the way: American narcissism is great for the imperial ruling class because any organized effort for true participatory democracy is impossible for a bunch of flakes preoccupied with self pleasuring and superficial introspection.
