
Explaining Why No kinté Email in November

Most of this is note-to-self fluff: there was no kinté email in the month of November breaking my streak of perfect attendance for the first 10 months of 2006. The decision appears to be to send out November’s email in December or just skip November. Now I’m sure that Merilene Murphy and the author dubbed ‘Unknown’ would not mind having a few hundred folks on an email list not get November news about their creative efforts. However, the assumption here is that Ezrah Aharone knows that every little bit of promotion helps. So let’s go ahead and send out November’s email in December and look forward to January—or as Africans trying to get free would write: ‘Month 1 of 2007.’

Now (getting back to the note-to-self fluff) the reason why there was no kinté email last month is due to many personal events that can be called ‘transformational’—including obtaining a new vehicle due to a non-injury car accident. But in general speaking (because everyone who speaks English knows that general is some kind of commander), there has not been enough time allocated for reflection and meditation. City life has always been too fast for me—and this is from one who came of age far from a rural environment…
