
Google™ with YouTube Means a Party Media Platform

Any properly assimilated reader who has read at least three of my “non-technical” posts for this Blog would surely say that rasx() guy is a “political person.” Permit me to disagree for a moment before you get back to the habitual impulses that many mistake for their “own” thoughts. No? Okay. I’ll write this Blog post anyway.

To be a political person you need a few bullets for the pop gun:

  • You need to take for granted the concept of population and pop culture—especially so-called “youth culture.” Here in the rasx() context, “pop culture” is another way of saying “imperial culture.”

  • You need to desire the power of persuasion as an essential survival skill and mark of maturity—and high intelligence. So I guess I’m childish and stupid.

  • You need to take for granted the Greek concept of the polis. The word politics comes from this Greek root. The implication here is that slavery, elitism and oligarchy are not an abomination to you—and you have no other to interpret my actions and behavior being fused to this Hellenistic world view.So I did vote today and I’m walking away from my voting location with two points of my own:

  • In this world of podcasts about the most meaningless minutiae, it is strange that there is no easy way to see and hear about the issues we vote for… I’m thinking that Google™ with YouTube Means a party media platform for the most obscure candidates. It is no surprise why the ‘incumbent culture’ would want more control over the Internet.

  • I voted with a paper ballot but it was put into a machine. I was driving too far away from the polling place to ask what that machine was for…
