
Anina, The High-Tech Fashion Model’s Comments about Africa on NerdTV

NerdTVNerdTV episode nine, “High Fashion Meets High Tech,” makes Anina a juicy target for us “angry Black folks” out here on the perimeter with our deep-seated envy for freckles and material wealth rooted in multi-generational theft. Her off-the-cuff anecdotes and comments about Africa are an easy target for guys like me willing to waste my time with a Blog post to delve into her mentality, trying to win something that is not worth winning—trying to defeat that which is already perished. What she represents in the rasx() context is explicit proof that, in spite of the greatest information technology revolution the materialistic world has ever known, people can still be uninformed—even with information at their fingertips. Keep in mind that I write these words knowing that she expressed sincere sympathy for African people—and I still fail to show my appreciation. You see how savage and unbridled my black anger is? Growling is the hysteria of my wandering uterus! Stay back! Take shelter in the neander!

In the popular sexual contexts running amok (and I bring up “body issues” because Anina is in the model-body business), I could make an attempt to warn all those sable hordes of “modern thinkers” willing to invest their ancient and sacred life force into snowboarding with her and a group of her friends. But, ah, modern thinking is not the driving force that would make these saliva slaked agents of insinuation get up off in her game. They would be inspired by what I call imperial sexuality—they would call it trying to wax that ass out of “natural” sex drive of course… I’m, like, you know, kind of making everything “too politicized.”

What makes her useful is as an agent against the artificial barriers set up by telecom companies—especially the bullshit we have here in the United States… So that’s my one positive comment about her. And on top of that I am sure that she can hire someone to tell me that she has been to Africa—several times—while I have not once—which makes me look silly to rational materialists (not a difficult thing to do—thanks to popular and sensational television, radio, books and movies). On top of that, I would not be surprised to find that one or more of her African girl/boy “friends”—you know, like, the next 20-something Iman or the next 20-something Seal—is more than motivated to consciously/subconsciously marginalize and disrespect African heritage without the benefit of a historical analysis that exceeds 1000 years, prepared by natural-law-abiding Africans. Gosh, all any “rational” person has to do is read a few UN reports in a posh restaurant in Lagos and African problems become as clear as a day where the sun never sets on white supreme empire. Gee, I need to “get out” more.

When all this African talk mixed up with Telecom theft, gets too silly for you (because you are unable to see the uniform cultural values behind African disenfranchisement and Telecom theft) read “Stand Up To Your Cellular Company” at the Gearlog Blog—a Blog of reason and inclusion with a modern world view that is useful to today’s modern Man of manliness and maturity. No wandering uteruses here.
