
Microformats vs. OPML

microformats.orgIn short, I’m going with OPML right about now. On the “XOXO 1.0: Extensible Open XHTML Outlines” page, I’m seeing that subsets XHTML are “re-mixed” into “microformats.” The promise is that, when the web browser detects the arrangement of XHTML elements, the browser will render accordingly. It follows that microformats address more challenges than that of the list. The opinion here is that OPML responds to one problem: the problem of listing items in an interchangeable format.

In “Microformats and Web 2.0” Micah Dubinko uses the words of Tantek Çelik to jab a bit at Dave Winer:

Those Who Ignore Standards Are Doomed to Reinvent Them

And perhaps Winer would respond by saying that OPML is based on a standard—that standard is XML. —And I am not looking to confine my listing needs to the current app’ domain of XHTML: the browser. (By the way I can’t find the RSS feed at Tantek Çelik’s Blog so he really has removed Dave Winer from his life.)

Hey! What’s really cool is that we all have the freedom of transforming one XML format into another…
