
The ‘Hidden’ Hit Counts for the rasx() context

On a whim, this was the query:

SELECT [file] , COUNT([file]) FROM [Log] WHERE [file] LIKE '%rasxlog%' GROUP BY [file]The output clearly showed me Atom and RSS feeds should be added to the kinté hits page! Wow! The rasx() context has some impact in the Blog world! This site is being hit by more feed readers than by web browsers. This is so very obvious, Bryan!

Now that the database is capturing RSS data, the all-time Blog hit count has soared from 218 to 10,815! These numbers exclude administration functions and secondary files like cascading style sheets. Like James Brown used to say to the band in the middle of a jam, “I feel like I’m down here by myself!” Well, we can be wrong. We just need to listen a little more carefully sometimes.
