
Web Bookmarks about the Web

“Top 5 Web Service Mistakes”

More abuse poured on the DataSet: “The Dataset is probably the most common form of using .NET specific types in Web Services but it isn’t the only one. It makes a lot of sense for a .Net developer to want to use the advanced features and classes provided by the .Net framework. However, if real interoperability is your goal, you will have to fend off these urges.”

“WebMethods - Reference parameters and OverLoading”

“Even though we have the concepts of reference parameters and method overloading, when it comes to webservices, there are small differences. In this article, I will go through how reference parameters are implemented in web methods and how method overloading is achieved in webmethods.”

“A reasonably simple technique to build polymorphic web services…”

In keeping with OOP concepts “serialized” into Web services, Bill Wagner writes, “I participated in a discussion recently about how to build a web method that can accept and return multiple schemas.”


Microsoft has InfoPath. The ‘rest’ of the world has XForms according to O’Reilly.

XMLStarlet Command Line XML Toolkit

XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities (tools) which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using simple set of shell commands in similar way it is done for plain text files using UNIX grep, sed, awk, diff, patch, join, etc commands.”
