
The Community of Negativity

We people have a dream of community unity. We speak of this dream and many of us see division and disorganization. The recent events in ‘my’ life (that have stopped Blog entries here for the last three days) show me that there is unity and organization—however, the oneness is based on negative one and the organization is based on destructive behavior patterns.

I don’t need to ‘share’ the details with you. Just survey your ‘own’ family and see who is on suspiciously high amounts of prescription medication. See who lives with depression and sadness on a daily basis. See who eats toxic substances for reasons having nothing to do with physical hunger. See who surfs through the channels looking and looking…

We people who make a name for ourselves and call ourselves African-centered—trapped in the native language of the oppressor—often take family negativity for granted, bypass our blood relations and fight the power among strangers. Just like those dreamers who stepped off the Mayflower trying to Huxley-up a “Brave New World,” we people attempt to forget the elephant in the proverbial living room.

I don’t need to ‘share’ personal details with you when we have bell hooks to do it for us in “Connecting Self and Community” here at


timeka, 2005-06-16 19:18:44

what I find amusing about the way our approach to community & addressing physical and mentals problems parallels those dreaming pilgrims, is the "attack & destroy" mentality. when something or someone is in the way, we must violently eradicate the problem / cut it out / dope it up, without seeing or really knowing what "in" this hell is going on. suppositions and judgements only go so far, but this is how we are taught to maintain composure in a world where testing human-made chemicals and cutting out parts is called "health" care. hopefully, at some point the collective consciousness of our ancestors will be far more realized than in this version of now.
