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no fat folder... The fat folder. So I am “eagerly awaiting the return of African matriarchy” but here is my “fat” folder. Obesity in the metaphor shows me laden with the weight of over 17,000 files. This is not a count of the files for some application or for the Windows operating system. This is a count of files that were collected personally by me! This is the My Documents folder from hell!

My experience with office décor through the years informs me that a lot of people are proud of their stacks of paper—it shows just how needed, important and busy they are. When my desktop is stacked high with files—whether digital files or paper files—I am not proud. I am ashamed. But I do not hide my shame because my ‘superstition’ warns me that such secrets cause cancer.

Let the facts be revealed! I have taken on too many projects. My mouth wrote checks years ago that my ass is still trying to cash. The green side of this thang is that, since I have found the time to complain about having no time, I must have more time to accomplish the tasks before me. There is nothing before me but thang.

no ends... No ends. So I’m the kind of guy that is stupid enough to take his car to the dealership to get it ‘fixed.’ This means I’ll pay a “premium” for services. This means I am willing to be robbed voluntarily. I’m also not the kind of guy who is a firebrand entrepreneur with a well-crafted business plan so tight that it demands a business loan that can be paid off according to a finely tuned schedule. This means I am willing to use consumer credit cards to buy computer equipment to start a business. In short, the Microsoft Money shot at left summarizes the kind of financial guy I am.

Let the facts be revealed! I am servicing consumer debt like how an African country is shackled to the World Bank or IMF—or whatever the sharecropping thang is for us poor saplings. Damn!

So here are my readings for the moment and the objectives are rendered clear . I want to look back on this Blog post six months from now to see the kind of guy I used to be. My person needs to incarnate a being that is free from this weight. Float like a butterfly… Sting like a bee…
