
Dare Obasanjo’s Introduction of Cω

Back in frickin January of this year I ‘promised’ Dare Obasanjo of Microsoft that I would read his article “Introducing Comega.” I left a comment on his Blog post announcing the publication of his article, whining about my problems with being bloated with fatty deposits of laser-printed information. So, here we are, four frickin months later, seeing my questions in response to finally reading his article:

  • Does Cω intend to reduce the cost of loading XML data sets in any way? I just saw a Channel9 post with Rico Mariani warning us about loading XML data sets without thinking about the impact on system resources.
  • We see Cω code samples handling XML and then we samples handling SQL. What about the case of SQL Server data being transformed into XML? Is there a new an improved way to implement FOR XML stuff in Cω?
  • Cω clearly uses a SQL-like syntax that is not that different from t-SQL. In fact, as far as I know, it is a simply a subset of t-SQL. However, Cω uses an XPath-like syntax that looks nothing like XPath. Why is this syntax so far removed?I know my frickin Blog is not ‘clean’ enough for the “good people of Texas,” but I still dare to expect Dare to answer these innocent, honest questions about a subject that is clearly near and dear to his soul.
