
Media Links for Weekend Cyclists

Buy this item at!It’s not quite time for my daily commute—or even my causal-Friday commute. So far there’s beach-front riding for one day during the weekend. Even this is a huge improvement for me after years of going for months without cycling because of my relationship with Microsoft development products and my children.

The “Bicycle Chain Maintenance Video” is just the tip of the iceberg, floating out there just waiting to refresh my memory of how to take care of a bike. My relationship with my bike withered to the point where I was riding for months (maybe years) with my seat too low (so the upper part of the quads were practically useless) and I was wondering why my chain was squeaking (after not being cleaned or lubed for years).

The video series by helps me a great deal to understand how hitch racks work. Once a hitch rack is in place the possibility of a ‘hybrid commute’ is within reach. The demonstration of the Thule 964 Revolver impressed me. My vehicle can take me some fraction of the way and then the bike can go the rest of the way. It is important to ride a route here in Los Angeles that won’t get you killed. The cars still rule these streets—you have to outflank them westward and take residential streets in parallel to the large boulevards.
