
Today’s Linux Links

Installing glChess was crazy hard compared to the rest of the ‘standard’ Ubuntu/GNOME games. An entire page is devoted to describing the process. But after that you still need to install the “engines” (e.g. gnuchess) that allow you to play “against the computer.”

Jonathan Carter’s “10 Games from the Ubuntu Universe” tempted me to try to install and play the 10 games on virtual Ubuntu machine. The only game that was interesting to me (and could perform decently) was supertux.

What definitely should not work well in a virtual machine is beryl. But the ear is to the ground and the eyes are looking out for someone who says, “Sure it works in a virtual machine!”

What will probably work well in a virtual machine is mod_mono. But reading the intro page does not fill me with the confidence of, say, installing PHP into Apache. This appears to be a roll-up-your-sleeves kind of kitchen chore that does not jump to the top of my todo list.
